8.30.14 - 'Telescopes' is done!
Wow, we honestly can’t believe it’s done. Any we couldn’t be happier with the result.
Yesterday we completed ‘Telescopes’… debut LP and musical obsession. I’m feeling a bit sentimental while writing this, so I’ll mention that - looking back at the last few blog posts - that I am surprised by how winding of a road this has all been.
For you nerds out there, we mixed the record in Logic Pro at our home studio, Shark Attack Studios (named affectionately after Maddie’s obsession with sharks). I initially wanted to name our updated studio DinoStar Studios, but Maddie insisted. Looking back, perhaps she had been watching too much shark week…
Up next, we will be diving back into music video territory… Which will exercise those other creative parts of our brains.
Our first single from Telescopes will be coming mid-September. And trust us. You’ll know. ;)