5.11.14 - 19 Songs Demoed


19 songs demoed.


We are making great strides and can see the light at the end.  We completed our first batch of songs and we’re working on the second batch.  These latest songs have yielded some pleasant surprises.  We knew these tunes were a bit more melodic (and a bit more radio-friendly) but we’re really enjoying what’s coming.  In particular, a song called “Oceans Collapse” and another named “Medusa” really have us tappin’ our toes.

Looking at all 19 songs now, we suspect the latest will be our ‘tour-de-force’ for our debut selections.  We are reworking some old songs (‘Teenagers’) and writing new songs right here in the studio (‘Tell Me your Secrets’) and even considering revisiting some songs from our first two EPs. 

Who knows?  The shadow knows.

Madelynn Elyse